Botanical name: Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall
Extracted from steam distillation of leaves and twigs of Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall, macerated in warm water. It is pinkish liquid with intense sweet woody odour. Wintergreen contains more than 90 percent methyl salicylate which has anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic and rubefacient properties.
- Anti-rheumatic, antitussive, astringent and carminative
- Flavour in candies, chewing gum, herbal teas, mouthwash, toothpaste
- Insect repellents and insecticidal products
- Joint and muscular pain
- Aromatherapy
Major constituents: Methyl Salicylate
- Do not use undiluted directly on open wound and skin
- Store in cool and dark place
- Keep out of reach of children
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